This is an archival copy of the hunt; links and emails may not function.

R.I.P. Jubal


Author: Charles Steinhardt

The top set of clues can be answered as follows:

HATE            Have antipathy towards
QUAFF           Swig beer heartily
UNPROFITABLE    Like a bad investment
TAIL            Back of a plane or snake
PATRIARCH       Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob
CAN'T           White Men ___ Jump
TRANQUIL        Free from turmoil
RURAL           Out in the sticks
HOT DOG BUN     Famously part of a pack of 8, not 10 (3 wds)
DOUBLE BOGEY    6 on a par 4
SIGNIFICANT     Like some digits in a measurement
UNSCREW         Remove, like a bottle cap
LOGARITHMS      Function used in slide rules
LOCKS           Parts of the Panama Canal
CREDIT          Acknowledgement for an accomplishment, like after a movie
FICTION         Novels, for example
CUSTOMER        They might always be right
GAL             Actress Gadot
MISFORTUNE      Adversity or hard times
POOR            Like D in school
EAST            NYC river
ORANGE          Fruit that's part of the rainbow
ANARCHY         Political disorder
CUL-DE-SAC      Dead end street, perhaps in France
KNAVE           Playing card more commonly called a jack
TALC            Barbershop powder
DEVIL           New Jersey athlete
PEASANT         Medieval field worker
WORST           Least desirable
PRINTED         Used block letters
MALLOC          C memory allocation function
POUNDS          What many would like to shed
PAGAN           Like Druids or Wiccans
INEQUITY        Fundamental unfairness
NORMAL          Run of the mill

Each of these has an antonym which is the most recognizable part of the name (usually the family name) of a person fitting one of the alphabetized categories in the second set of words. Indexing into the other part of their name spells a clue phrase:

V  KEVIN      LOVE         HATE          2018 NBA All-Star (3)
A  DANNY      DRINKWATER   QUAFF         Chelsea midfielder (2)
R  CHRIS      MONEYMAKER   UNPROFITABLE  WSOP main event champ (3)
I  EDITH      HEAD         TAIL          Costume designer (3)
A  ALEXANDER  POPE         PATRIARCH     Rape of the Lock poet (5)
B  BRIAN      MAY          CAN'T         Celebrity astrophysicist and rock star (1)
L  DANIELS    STORMY       TRANQUIL      Adult actress in the news (6)
E  MEYER      URBAN        RURAL         Big Ten football coach (4)
F  FELIX      FRANKFURTER  HOT DOG BUN   Supreme Court associate justice for 23 years (1)
I  IAN EAGLE  DOUBLE       BOGEY         Sports announcer (1)
S  USAIN      BOLT         UNSCREW       Runner (2)
T  AUSTIN     POWERS       LOGARITHMS    Fictional spy (4)
C  ALICIA     KEYS         LOCKS         R&B Singer (4)
H  JOHNNY     CASH         CREDIT        Country music icon with a career spanning six decades (3)
R  R          TRUTH        FICTION       WWE moniker that replaced K-Kwik (1)
I  NATALIE    MERCHANT     CUSTOMER      Alt rock singer-songwriter, "maniac"al at times (6)
S  FAWKES     GUY          GAL           Plotter (6)
T  JONATHAN   GOODLUCK     MISFORTUNE    Nigerian politician (5)
I  RICHIE     RICH         POOR          Fictional heir (5)
A  KANYE      WEST         EAST          Rapper (2)
N  FIONA      APPLE        ORANGE        "Criminal" singer-songwriter (4)
E  JUDE       LAW          ANARCHY       English actor who played Dr. Watson (4)
M  JAMES      LONGSTREET   CUL-DE-SAC    Confederate General (3)
P  PHIL       KNIGHT       KNAVE         Shoemaking czar (1)
E  NEIL       DIAMOND      TALC          Soft rock legend (2)
R  CRISS      ANGEL        DEVIL         Magician (2)
O  DON        KING         PEASANT       Boxing Promoter (2)
R  GEORGE     BEST         WORST         Man United legend (4)
T  ARTHUR     BLANK        PRINTED       NFL Owner (3)
W  WORLD B    FREE         MALLOC        SD Clippers star (1)
E  MIKE       PENCE        POUNDS        Vice President (4)
L  FLETCHER   CHRISTIAN    PAGAN         Mutineer (2)
V  DAVID      JUSTICE      INEQUITY      NL Rookie of the Year (3)
E  LUTHER     STRANGE      NORMAL        Alabama Senator (5)