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Rainbow Connection


Author: Charles Steinhardt

The clues can be solved with words that, in some cases, do not fit the enumerations. However, every one can have a color prepended to produce a word or phrase:

WINE    BARREL      Easy place to shoot fish? (4)
BLACK   GUARD       Tackle's neighbor (2)
PURPLE  PATCH       Pirate's eye covering (6)
CORAL   REEF        Common shipwreck site (1)
WHITE   LIE         Falsehood (4)
RED     HERRING     Pickled fish (1)
OLIVE   BRANCH      Tree limb (3)
COFFEE  TABLE       Bjursta, when at Ikea (1)
SILVER  SPOON       Cutlery for soup (1)
MINT    CONDITION   State of health, or something following if (2)
ORANGE  JUICE       Electricity, colloquially (5)
CANARY  ISLANDS     Ellis and Catalina (3)
FLESH   WOUND       It might get you a purple heart (1)
BLUE    BAYOU       Louisiana wilderness (2)
EMERALD ISLE        Gilligan's temporary home (5)
MUSTARD SEED        Startup capital (1)
VANILLA EXTRACT     Short excerpt or passage (4)
MAROON  5           1 + 4 (6)
GREEN   THUMB       Fattest and shortest digit (1)
YELLOW  SUBMARINE   Red October, e.g. (5)

The enumerations now produce ELECTRIC SIGN FLAMINGO, which would be NEON PINK.