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Choose Your Own Adventure


Author: Craig Kasper

Any option which ends on page 37 corresponds to a fate supposedly befallen in the song "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" by Train, and contains "it", referring to something otherwise unnamed. Any other option corresponds to a way for a named person to leave their lover in the song "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover". For the choices where there is an option for each song, take the single letter in common between the "it" from "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" and the named person from "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover". For the other choices, there is a single-digit page number before turning to page 37; use this as in index into whatever "it" is.

  • cEmEnt mixEr and lEE yields E

  • mudsLide yields L

  • hOt tub and rOy yields O

  • purPle yields P

  • aIrplane yields I

  • lioN and staN yield N

  • niGht club yields G

The answer is ELOPING.