This is an archival copy of the hunt; links and emails may not function.

Hint: Spelling Bee

From here, you can travel to the north, south or west.


A gorilla-sized hornet swoops down and perches on your head.

"Raise no alarm -- L-R-M -- 4-I-M-B-9. I am the Spelling Bee."

The bee arches down to look you in the I.

"Bzzzz. I always say, curiosity is the enemy of tedium -- Q-E-S-O-T-S-D-N-M-E-F-T-D-M."

"So you want to rescue Rhyme and Reason?" The bee buzzes nervously. "If you wish 2-B-A-6-S, then you must X-L-R-8. Should you get stuck, I could provide some N-L-S-S."

"If you write a short poem (a couplet will do) featuring some of my style of spelling, it would L-8 me. I could make two puzzles E-Z-R for you anytime."

"Send me your poem at, including 'SPELLING BEE' in the subject line."

You can spend a hint anytime to get help on any non-meta puzzle, in one of three kinds:

  1. I need help getting started on this puzzle.
  2. I need help with the most difficult clues/other difficult applicable parts. (see below)
  3. I need help with extraction.

To ask for a hint, email with "HINT REQUEST" (and any additional info) as the subject line. In your email body, include your team name, the token, the puzzle name and the hint category. If you are asking for category 2, please tell us what you have done so far and include up to five clues you would like us to answer for you. If you are on the wrong track, we will give you hint 1 instead.

You do not need to ask for two puzzles at the same time. The second time you ask for a hint, simply refer to this task that you have already completed.

If you're on campus, you can swing by HQ and we're likely to give you a much bigger hint!